Coffee Conversations: Morgan Eckroth on Judging Coffee Competitions
The 2022 U.S. Barista Champion and social media star on taking a break from competing, becoming a judge, and what it’s like being on the other side of the clipboard.
From the producers who grow and process the coffee, to the ways it moves around the world and those who control the system, coffee's supply chain is long and opaque.
The past year of climate shocks and surging coffee prices has felt portentous. Without significant investment and industry cooperation, coffee’s future seems increasingly uncertain.
Coffee brands love to tout their ethics and human rights policies, yet the supply chain is still built on poverty. At some point, we have to judge the industry not by what it says but by its actions.
Companies in the Global North capture most of the profits generated along the coffee supply chain. But farmer-owned coffee roasters offer a more equitable model—and a path forward for the industry.
Coffee companies love to fund projects that look good in press releases and impact reports. However, corporate philanthropy is mostly a shield to deflect criticism, protect power, and avoid regulation.
Coffee is widely considered to be healthy—for the drinker, at least. For those who handle and spray the pesticides that fight pests and boost production, however, it can be anything but.
The global coffee industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and yet many stakeholders struggle to make ends meet. As corporate revenues climb, it’s worth examining where those profits go.
Coffee collected from the droppings of civets is sought after by the rich and deplored by animal welfare advocates. Caught in the middle are the farmers who produce it.
As the climate crisis comes for coffee, new ideas are needed. But some solutions are already out there—we just need to recognize and embrace them.
The war in Gaza has spilled over into the Red Sea. The coffee industry's concern is with shipping delays.
A conversation with the landmark report's lead author Sjoerd Panhuysen.
Although it produces some of the world's best coffee, domestic consumption in Kenya remains low. A new generation of coffee professionals wants to change that.
A coffee producer with a simple and affordable redistribution plan struggles to find industry backing.
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