Coffee Conversations: Morgan Eckroth on Judging Coffee Competitions
The 2022 U.S. Barista Champion and social media star on taking a break from competing, becoming a judge, and what it’s like being on the other side of the clipboard.
Coffee is under threat from climate change. This is not a future problem, it's here now—how is the industry preparing?
The past year of climate shocks and surging coffee prices has felt portentous. Without significant investment and industry cooperation, coffee’s future seems increasingly uncertain.
Single-use coffee cups are choking the planet. From discounts to levies to bans, solutions are out there—but changing consumer behaviour is the bigger challenge.
As the climate crisis comes for coffee, new ideas are needed. But some solutions are already out there—we just need to recognize and embrace them.
A conversation with the landmark report's lead author Sjoerd Panhuysen.
A coffee producer with a simple and affordable redistribution plan struggles to find industry backing.
Putting coffee grounds into shoes and luxury watch straps isn't sustainable—it's a distraction.
From wildfire smoke to Covid, indoor air can be hazardous. But it doesn't need to be.
The coffee industry creates emissions and carbon offsets won't save us.
Rather than contributing to global heating, as is often claimed, some coffee farms might be a solution.
How Ana Vizcaino embraced the weeds and transformed Finca Esperanza from a conventional coffee farm to an organic and bird-friendly haven.
Coffee-less coffee is marketed as the sustainable solution to the climate crisis. But is it? And what about the farmers who will be left behind?
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