Who Will Fund the Future of Coffee?
For paid subscribers: some thoughts on the loss of USAID funding for coffee research, and the possibly misguided hope that corporations will step up.
A series of articles looking at how coffee is portrayed in cinema, including films such as The Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and more.
In David Cronenberg's 2005 masterpiece, coffee is used as a threat—and also as a weapon.
Tarantino has mentioned his affinity for coffee shops in the past as a place to meet and talk with friends. Similarly, coffee anchors the characters in Tarantino movies, grounding them in their environment, making them more real.
A seemingly innocuous encounter between two friends at a coffee shop begins the unravelling of their friendship in Terry Zwigoff's 2021 cult classic Ghost World
A few brief scenes set in a diner help ground the sci-fi classic Looper in reality.
“I’m staying. I’m finishing my coffee. Enjoying my coffee.”
The first in a series exploring coffee's role in the world of movies, starting with a quick look at a film about love, self respect, crazy battles with evil exes, and, of course, coffee.
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