Coffee News Roundup: Week Ending October 6th

Beanless coffee will not go away.

Coffee News Roundup: Week Ending October 6th

Another week full of coffee news:

  • A story in the Guardian highlighted the extent of debt bondage among India’s coffee workers.
  • Gossip column Page Six reported that Snoop Dogg has dropped his coffee brand INDOxyz just six months after confidently stating that, “Indo is going to change the industry, I can promise you that.”
  • And “beanless” coffee returned to the news. This time, it’s because molecular coffee company Atomo is launching its first “coffee” and telling everyone who will listen how sustainable it is compared to regular coffee farming. Of course, it’s more complicated than that.

Read the full Roundup over at Fresh Cup Magazine:

If you missed it, you can read my latest Pourover article here:

Stealth Starbucks: A Premonition of Modern Specialty Coffee
Unbranded Starbucks stores divided opinion back in the 2000s, and there are echoes in modern corporate-backed specialty companies like Intelligentsia and Blue Bottle.

And to close things out, here’s the final appearance of guest star Diego before Merlin resumes her role next week:

A tabby cat looks at the camera from inside his shark ball bed

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