Coffee News Roundup: Week Ending October 21st

Coffee News Roundup: Week Ending October 21st

This week, Starbucks’ corporate workers aren’t too happy with their employer’s union-busting. Meanwhile, coffee producers face increased fertilizer costs, more slightly hyperbolic musings on the future of coffee, and how to enhance your brain using coffee.

Read the full news roundup over at Fresh Cup Magazine:

If you missed it, you can also check out my interview with Adam Willoughby whose diner in Massachusetts serves specialty coffee brewed by Chemex:

Diner Coffee, But Not As You Know It
I love diner coffee. Not the liquid itself, which tends to be burned and watered down to the point that it’s not recognizable as coffee. What I love is the atmosphere around diner coffee: the heavy mugs, the endless refills, the carb-heavy food that accompanies it. I love the people-watching, t…

And of course, here’s an annoyed-looking Merlin to play us out

A black cat curled up staring at the camera in front of a stone wall and two doors

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