The Coffee News Roundup
Coffee News Roundup: Week Ending June 23rd
Featuring shameless PR (that I fell for)

1 min read
This week in coffee:
- A naturally-decaffeinated coffee is a step closer to reality as a decades-long project in Brazil finally begins field tests. Just another few years to get a harvest...
- Nestlé wants to close its last US-based coffee plant, which would mean eliminating 200 unionized jobs in New Jersey. The Teamsters are trying to stop it from doing so.
- And, in a shameless piece of PR (which I wrote about, so joke’s on me), Peet’s is “hiring” what they’re calling a “Chief Cold Brew Officer”—for the summer, anyway. Oh and it’s not paid, unless you count exposure and $200 worth of cold brew every week.
Read the full Roundup over at Fresh Cup Magazine:
I got my weeks mixed up last week, but I’ll definitely be back with a new article this Friday. Until then, here’s an extra long Merlin: