The owner of Finca Esperanza and Two Birds Coffee talks about the challenges of growing coffee during the climate crisis, the price surge, and what it all means for the future of coffee in Guatemala.
We used to grudgingly turn to coffee alternatives in times of turmoil. Now, however, there is a new breed of venture capital-backed substitutes, with a more antagonistic relationship to coffee.
A quick roundup for you this week, as there’s not a lot going on in the coffee world.
Meet the new year, same as the old year.
Wilbur Curtis Company Acquired By French Groupe SEB - via Sprudge
It didn’t take long for the coffee company acquisitions to start again this year. Wilbur Curtis, the second largest US manufacturer of “professional coffee goods”, has been purchased by a French conglomerate, Groupe SEB. Which, if we’re honest, sounds like a parody of JAB Holdings, which owns every other coffee company (and a bunch of other related companies).
WIlbur Curtis Company makes those coffee pots you often see in diners, with the glass carafe beneath a hulking metal brewer. This alone makes them cool in my book, but they also sell high-end batch brewers for specialty cafes as well as the extremely fancy Seraphim and Gold Cup automated single cup pour-over devices.
They’re legit, in other words, and honestly it’s a little surprising that one of JAB, Coca-Cola, or (sigh) Nestlé hadn’t already scooped them up. This allows Groupe SEB—the totally not made up owner of a bunch of small appliance brands like Krups and Tefal—get in on the coffee acquisition action, before they’re also inevitably bought out by JAB or (sigh) Nestlé.
Starbucks Curtailing Growth Plans for its ‘Third Wave’ Reserve Brand - via Daily Coffee News
Howard Schultz, the former Starbucks CEO, was keen on the Reserve brand (the third wave-aping monstrosity full of siphons and trying-too-hard upcycled wood trim). He claimed over the years that his company planned to open 1,000 cafes across the world, in addition to 100 Reserve roasteries.
But how many have they opened thus far? Four roasteries (in Seattle, New York, Shanghai, and Milan) with two more to come in Chicago and Tokyo.
And just one Reserve cafe, within the company’s Seattle headquarters.
Johnson is considered a more conservative leader than his predecessor, focusing primarily on increasing sales at current Starbucks locations in addition to introducing delivery service across the US and China.
It’s not licensed, so don’t expect moving wanted pictures of Gary Oldman or a menu with stuff like chocolate frogs or flagons of Butterbeer and whatnot (those are things, right?)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently clarified its position on regulating CBD-infused foodstuffs, basically saying that it treats it like any other substance which needs regulating. CBD-containing products are “subject to the same authorities and requirements as FDA-regulated products containing any other substance,” according to FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.
So unless you have explicit permission from the FDA, you can’t sell your CBD wellness latte in many states, and especially not across state lines (which is what a lot of online merchants are trying to do).
It’s January, and with January comes diet remorse after the excesses of the holiday season. But how to deal with it? Apparently, by adding random substances to your coffee. We’ve discussed mushroom coffee and butter coffee before. Or you could try collagen, if you’re Kelly Ripa (I don’t know who that is either).
I'm the creator and writer of The Pourover. Based in Scotland, I have over a decade of experience in the specialty coffee industry as a barista, roaster, and writer. Ask me about coffeewashing.