Coffee News Roundup: Week Ending December 1st

Millennials and their coffee, amirite?

Coffee News Roundup: Week Ending December 1st

This week, in coffee:

  • An unforeseen complication in the EU’s impending deforestation regulation could lead to tons of coffee being “dumped”.
  • The usually incredibly busy Red Cup Day, when Starbucks hands out free holiday-themed cups, was “far below the levels” of previous years. Possible reasons include unionized workers going on strike for the second Red Cup Rebellion in a row, an uninspired lineup of festive beverages, or perhaps the fact that nobody really needs another reusable cup.
  • Millennials love their coffee, and despite the cost of living crisis the no-longer-that-young generation are still willing to spend $7 per day on a latte simply “because it brings them joy.” As they should. (I like how I write this as if I’m not a millennial.)
  • Two union contract agreements in one week! Workers at Philadelphia-based Elixr Coffee, and Sunergos Coffee in Louisville, Kentucky, came to tentative contract agreements with their respective companies.

Read the full Roundup over at Fresh Cup Magazine:

I’ll be back on Friday with a new article, but until then it’s goodbye from Merlin:

A black cat on a gravel driveway yelling at the camera

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